My NS experience (II) – Typical day in PTP batch

It has been awhile since I last blogged guys. Partially cause I was so caught up in my League of Angels (a facebook game) that I did not want to stop playing and start writing. To add on, I have not had any extra time to pen my thoughts down and all since I had to stay back in on Tekong for remedial training.

Before I start going on about my NS experience, I must say wordpress had surprised me with visual changes to its layout and it definitely looks way better and soothing to my eyes.

As the title says, this post is going to be how a typical day in NS would be like. In case you didn’t know, PTP stands for physical training phase and those who got into this batch needs to serve an addition eight weeks of military training to get better, fitter and stronger.

The whole day starts when you wake up at five in the morning to have your morning shower and preparation before you proceed to the canteen for breakfast. However, in most of the times, we were required to do basic exercises (kind of like a warm up thing) prior to breakfast.

Following which, your day there will be full of exercises that trains you both physically and mentally. Sometimes, there will be lectures and with each lecture, comes a discussion and a few quizzes. If you are lucky enough, you will have your own admin time where you get to stay in your bunk to rest and relax. That is also one of the best times where you get to meet and know all your section/platoon mates.

Activities usually ceases before dinner time and if your commander thinks there is a need for own time own target (OTOT) training, then they’ll organize one for an hour or so of training before lights out.

There you have it! And for all those out there who are going to enlist soon, whether it’s a few days/weeks/months/years time, here’s what I think about the training and all: NS is a really fun phase of your life where you get to mature more (provided that you are receptive to positive changes). So yeah man, all the best!



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